Tuesday 4 December 2012

Stroke has a new indicator

STROKE: Try to remember the words Stroke Recognizing.


Neurologist says that if a person gets stroke within three hours, he can reverse the situation of the stroke effect by himself totally. As the trick is getting the stroke diagnosed, recognized and getting take care of the person medically for three hours which could be tough.


The Stroke symptoms which are difficult to identify when it comes. When a nearby person which he fails to recognize the stroke symptomes then it will lead to a severe brain damage.

As Doctors usually ask 3 questions to the patients to recognize whether it is a stroke or not,

  • Ask the person to smile for few seconds,
  • Ask the patient to speak and talk for few minutes,
  • Ask the person to raise his or her both the arms.

Therefore if the person troubles in anyone of these above tasks, then immediately call the emergency number and fully describe the condition of the patient.

Then another new way to identify the stroke which is to stick out the tongue. If the tongue gets crooked in either of the other side, then it is also a stroke indication.

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