Monday 24 December 2012

Health Effects of Drinking Jeera Water

Jeera Water drink daily for better health effects.
  • As Ayurveda said, drinking jeera water warmly is useful in strengthening our circulatory system, digestive system and control our three-doshams – kapha, pita, vata.
  • Hot jeera water gives refreshing our mind, body and make out the poisonous liquid from the body.
  • Jeera water has good antiseptic properties that fights cold and fevers.
  • When small amount of ginger is mixed with jeera water, it helps to relieve soar throat.
  • Jeera water prevents digestive disorders like diarrhea, atonic dyspepsia,morning sickness, biliousness, malabsorption syndrome, indigestion and flatulent colic.
  • Jeera water is also helps in getting sleep. After taking a teaspoon of cumin seeds and a riped banana at night, drink jeera water to induce sleep.
  • Cummin helps in increasing the heat in body thus making our metabolism more efficient.
  • Jeera contains the essential oils which has antifungal and disinfectant properties, thus prevents fungal and microbial infections which affects our skin. It also has high Vitamin E content.
  • Cummin is rich in iron content and it is highly beneficial for ladies, especially those who are pregnant, or lactating mothers.
  • It cures burning sensation of soles and palms.

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