Monday 24 December 2012

Health Benefits of Bishop’s weed or Ajwain

Ajwain or Bishop's weed is pungent, bitter spice and hot with same smell of thyme. This herb of small seeds is best suited for medical purposes.

Health Benefits:

1. Ajwain helps in controls flatulation, increases the appetite, digestion their food and helps to keep the uterus healthy for pregnant women.

2. For adults and children, Ajwain is helpful in solving the pain in intestine and stomach. Taking one tablespoon of Ajwain with 2 to 3 pinches of salt with hot water can be easily relieved any stomach pain related to gas, infection in intestine and indigestion.

3. By frequently smelling the Ajwain powder in thin cloth, it cures common cold and headache.

4. By applying Ajwain oil with 1 or 2 drops in ear, it helps to cure ear ache. This Ajwain oil used to massage knees and legs, gives relief from pain whose suffers from arthritis.

5. Ajwain takes twice a day will cure stomach problems which consume more alcohol. It reduces the desire and craving for alcohol.

6. It gives a better home remedy for treating anorexia, travel sickness, gas, nausea and vomiting.

7. For inhaling purpose, take few seeds crushed and get tied in a piece of cloth bundle. This similar bundle while sleeping place near your pillow, it gives nice relief for nasal congestion.

8. For cure cough drink hot water after chewing with little ajwain. Even for dry cough it gives better result by chewing ajwain with betel leaf at night.

9. Ajwain seeds is found effect in indigestion, treatment of gas, hysteria and colic. Along with lukewarm water, the powder of seeds is mixed gives nice relief for stomach ache. Ajwain, sanchal salt asafetida, yavakshara, rock salt and harad are all well-known formula for Ayurveda. These quantities are taken in equal order and some doses of Ajwain powder is given by mixing with lukewarm water.

10. Ajwain is used as a spice in cooking for improving digestion and relieving gas. For relieving stomach pain and gas each half part of black pepper, ginger and Ajwain seeds are mixed with single part of cardamom and powdered the substance and give with 10-12 grains of dose with water.

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