Monday 17 December 2012


We can reduce the weight naturally by following these effective ways.

  • Over-weighted persons should eat green vegetable and fruits daily as it has low calories. 
  • Salt should be avoided as it is increase our body weight.
  • Don't eat Non-Veg foods and the milky products of butter and cheese are highly fatty content as it should be avoided.
  • For loosing weight, Spices like black pepper, cinnamon, ginger, etc. are used in number of ways and in vegetables like drumstick, gourd(Karela or Bitter Melon) are also used.
  • Consumes honey is used to reduce obesity. It controls the extra fat content in our body and converts the fats into energy and performs normal functions. Honey should be consumed with small quantity of table spoon with hot water. It is better to take with teaspoonful of lemon juice with honey in early morning.
  • Cabbage is also a good remedy for loosing weight. This Cabbage is used to stop sugar conversion and carbohydrate content into fat. This vegetable is used to reduce weight. It is consumed by taking boiled or by raw.
  • Doing exercise is helpful in reducing our weight. It gives much relief to tension and keeps our body in good shape. Running, Swimming, Walking and Rowing is the best exercise.
  • Lime Juice is also one of the factor of reducing weight. In empty stomach, the lime juice is taken with warm water and honey in every early morning.
  • Meals should be taken by little by little of every four to five hours, which keeps high metabolism and it prevents our body from fat. By doing regular exercise routinely it helps in weight reduction.

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