Wednesday 5 December 2012

How to Recognize a Heart Attack

  • First warning sign of pain will come in the chest. It feels like an elephant is sits on the chest, or like squeezing in center of chest.
  • Keep remember the pain comes in some other parts of your upper body is also a signal for the heart attack. It includes the jaw, arms particularly left arm, shoulders,stomach or neck. This feels less pain but makes our body more discomfort.
  • Symptoms like short breathing after the physical activity is of normal but this short breathing occurs after walking for a while, or climbing the stairs, or lying in the bed for a while then see the doctor immediately. This type of symptoms should present before feeling the chest pain.
  • Be careful for cold sweats, lightheadedness or nausea. Nervousness and anxiety are all the symptoms.
  • Take care of increasing heart beat rate. The symptoms joins with above which indicate heart attack. 

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