Monday 3 December 2012


A paper on Nutritive Value of cow milk as understood by ancient Indians and as propounded by Vedas and other scriptures – presented at the Seminar on Cow’s milk is Amritam, organised by the Love 4 Cow Trust, at New Delhi on 7th July 2002.

1. Milk has been a part of diet of Indian society since times immemorial. Our scriptures are full of references on importance and value of milk for human life. And the only milk, apart from mother’s milk, known to Indians was Cow Milk only which has been equated with Amrita.

2. Man has been in search of an Elixir or Nectar or “AMRITA”, a sip or two of which could make him free from all sufferings and make him immortal. It is not known yet, whether such an elixir ever existed but India’s ancient scriptures have described cow ‘Milk’ as ‘AMRITA’.

“Amritam Vai gvam khriramityah tridshadhip ,
tasmad dadatim yo dhenumamatrim sa Praychhti”. 

(Mahabharatha Anu.65-46)
This Sloka of Mahabharatha means:

“Cow’s milk is Amrita .This has been stated by Indra, the king of gods. Therefore if one donates a cow, he donates Amrita”.

Rig Veda (1-71-9) also states

“Goshu Priyamamritam rakshmana”

‘Cow milk is Amrita..It protects us (from disease). Hence Protect the cows.

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