Monday 24 December 2012

Health Effects of "FIGS"(அத்தி பழம்)

There are many medical benefits of figs of the following:

  • Figs are rich in potassium, magnesium and high fiber content.
  • Figs contains 50 calories and contains Vitamin A, B and C.
  • One fig contains 8g of protein, 23mg of calcium, 2g of fat, 77.5% water, 4mg of iron, 2.1gm of dietary fiber, 3mg of niacin, 1mg of Vitamin C, 3.8 mg of foliate and 50g of Vitamin C.
  • Even Cancer can be reduced by Figs.
  • In a study of University of Scranton, Dried figs have rich antioxidants used to produce the product of phenol as comparing other fruits. For killing the microorganisms or germs, phenol is used.
  • Figs contains diet content of Carbohydrates, Fat and Protein. It has digestive enzymes for weight loss.
  • Figs are used in the treatment of coughs, asthma, diabetes and chills. For bronchial asthma and cough, figs, honey and methi seeds are given in form of syrup.
  • The nervous system in our body helps to regulate by fig's phosphorous content. For children and athletes it is highly recommended.
  • Figs benefits for nursing and pregnant women and helps in rheumatism, brain and acidity problem.
  • It is used for the treatment of liver problems, heartburns, piles, chest pains, urinary problems, epilepsy and constipation. For completely elimination of piles eat five figs regularly early in morning upto ten months.
  • Figs ash are taken with oil it treats skin pigmentation, for teeth whitening and pimples.
  • Figs prepare with hot milk, it will cure wounds in our body.
  • Figs contains proteolysis enzymes that is used in pharmaceutical industry and considered for remedy to digestion.
  • For people who consider to quit smoking it will be helpful as it has high alkalinity.
  • Figs used to cure stones in urinary bladder and it removes from kidney, it is used to help the patients who are suffering from kidney transplant and from kidney failure.
  • Figs fight against the effects of toxins and it is a good nourishing tonic.
  • It is useful in bronchitis, chest congestion, liver, spleen ailment and for pharyngitis. It gives good relief for the mouth dryness of the fever patients who used to chewed the figs.
  • Figs used to clear anti-ulcer, laxative, intestinal obstruction, and  antibacterial powers. It takes out the gases from the intestines in our body.
  • Figs are good diuretic and it useful in colics and if it takes regularly it cures for mental illness.
  • Baked dry figs are roasted and crushed and have it like a powder to cure dental ailments and to remove stains in teeth. This powder is used to cure for pimples in the face and for skin in general.

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