Saturday 24 November 2012

Health Benefits of Onion

The onion called Allium cepa also known as the bulb onion and common onion, is good for health in many ways and onion is also said to believed to enhance the sexual drive and increase the libido and this is the reason why onion is used as ingredient in the Indian food culture. Taking half onion daily in the night and two pulps of garlic will enhance your sexual life.

Good Oral Health: 

To prevent tooth decay and oral infections, onions are used. To kill the germs present in the mouth area, chew onion for two to three minutes.

Treatment for Heart Ailments: 

Onion are also said to thin the blood which in turn prevents the red blood cells from forming clumps. Blocks in the blood can also lead to hear disorders.

Glowing Skin: 

Onion juice mixed with honey or olive oil is said to be best treatment for acne condition.

Treatment for Cough: 

Honey juice and onion juice with equal measure can relive sore throat and cough symptoms.

Used as Insect Repellent: 

If you are bit by a honey, then you can also use onion as a repellent.

Onion is Beneficial in the following conditions:

Anti allergy
Reduce inflammation
Slightly laxative
High Blood Pressure
Lowers cholesterol
Prolong longevity
Helps destroy worms and other parasites.
Bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial tube)
Neuritis (inflammation of the nerves)
Vertigo (inflammation of nerves)
Diuretic (increases the secretion of urine)
Diabetes mellitus - lowers blood sugar.
Valuable for the hair, nails of the fingers and toes, and for the eyes.
Sinus conditions - helps to drain mucus from the cavities and loosen phlegm.
Whether fresh or cooked onions have antiplatelet, adhesiveness, thus preventing thrombosis.

Nutritive Values of Onions : Per 100 gm.

Vitamin A : 50 I.U.
Vitamin B :
Vitamin C : 9 mg.
Calcium : 32 mg.
Phosphorus : 44 mg.
Potassium : 300 mg.
Carbohydrates : 10.3 gm.
Protein : 1.4 mg.
Calories : 45

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