Tuesday 4 October 2022

INDIA- NATURE'S GLORY - Physical Features



LONGEST BEACH-Marina beach in Chennai, stretches 13Km. (World's Second Longest after Rio De Janeiro in Brazil)
LARGEST CAVE-Amarnath, Jammu & Kashmir (50m. wide and 25m. high) Popular pilgrimage, a remarkable stalactite is worshiped as SIVALINGAM over here.
LARGEST COASTLINE-Gujarat-1,600Kms.(25% of India's 6,100Km coastline)
COLD DESERT-Ladakh in Jammu & Kashmir
LARGEST CRATER-Lonar meteorite crater in the Vidarbha region, Maharashtra (1,800. wide, 170m. and rim rises to a height of 20m.)
LARGEST DELTA-The Ganga and Brahmaputra (75,000 sq.Kms.)
BIGGEST DESERT-Thar (1,00,000Km. X 44,600Km.)
LONGEST GLACIER-Siachen in Jammu & Kashmir (75.6 Km. long and 2-8 Km. wide)
LARGEST COVERAGE-~17% of world's mountain area is covered by Himalayan glacier.
LARGEST INLAND WATERWAYS-Kerala (chain of navigable inland waterways 1,920 Km. long)
LARGEST ISLANDS (fresh water)-Majuli, in river Brahmaputra (area 0.15m hactares) - Population 150,000
LARGEST OCEAN-Middle Andaman Island
LARGEST GROUP-Andamans (324 island, 204 named and only 20 are inhabited)
LARGEST LIMESTONE CAVE-Siji vace, Garo hills, Meghalaya (60.98 m long and 30.49m broad)
LARGEST LAKE  (fresh water)-Kolleru, Andhra Pradesh (900 sq. Kms)
LARGEST BRACKISH WATER-Chilika Lake, Orissa (916 sq. Kms)
GREATEST MOUNTAIN RANGE-Himalaya - Karakoram (2,500 Km long and 500 Km wide)
LARGEST PLATEAU-Deccan Plateau (~1 million sq. Km)
LONGEST RIVER-Ganga 2,340 Km long
SUBTERRANEAN-2,000 Km long water vourse flowing from Shivalik ranges
LARGEST BASIN-Ganga basin (26% of India's geographical area)
HIGHEST SEDIMENT YIELD-Teesta river (98 cm of silt / hactare of its' catchment area)
LARGEST ANNUAL FLOW-Brahmaputra river basin (5,90,714 mcm)
LEAST ANNUAL FLOW-Mahi - Sabarmati river basin (14,712 mcm)
HIGHEST SURFACE SALINITY-Gulf of Kachchh, 37 parts per thousand
VOLCANO, ACTIVE-Barren Island, near Port Blair
HIGHEST WATER FALL-Jog falls (253 m)

Thursday 7 July 2022

People Who Fought Their Own Cancer



           "I was uninterested in being tired all the time. I'd bloat up to 3 times my traditional size. Its like putt on a wetsuit, except its reasonably permanent, till you stop taking the steroids" says Lisa Ray, Actress. To assist handle cancer, Lisa began writing her far-famed web log, Yellow Diaries, wherever she shared moments of her treatment and unfold awareness. due to combination of chemotheraphy, steroids, somatic cell treatment and a positive angle, she was declared cancer-free in January 2010.


        "I learnt from being at death's door that unless I white-haired myself, nothing in my life might operate at its best. rather than chasing dreams affressively, one ought to enable things to happen over time. it is vital to figure with the life-force energy, not against it." says Anita Moorjani. She lives in port, in Gregorian calendar month 2002, she was diagnosed with Hodgkin's malignant neoplastic disease.

Her Rules of Living:

  • If we will bear life armed humorously and love, we'll be prior to the sport. kid yourself
  • Our life is our prayer. It's our gift to the Universe. we tend to owe it to ourselves to be happy and unfold joy
  • Most suffering stem from feeling inadequate. simply bear in mind that you just area unit complete, not but anyone
  • Eat no matter you're drawn to. Have an honest time together with your white-haired ones and do what you would like.


        "God simply pushed me a touch bit towards himself and gave me a second likelihood. I dont take my health with no consideration anymore" says Yuvraj Singh, cricketer. He had a cancerous neoplasm, detected in his left respiratory organ, had to endure therapy. once finishing the ultimate cycle of therapy, he was mitigated from cancer. then he launched YouWeCan, a foundation to fight cancer.


        "I tried to induce eliminate those thoughts even as quick as I might and began pondering winning. I contend games with the cancer mentally" says Lance Armstrong, cyclist. He was detected with carcinoma. with a neoplasm that had metastasized to his brain and lungs. He had solely four-hundredth likelihood of survival. He was tried to remain positive, and there have been days, once he thought God, this could not estimate. however he had the positive thoughts of pondering winning the games. He beat cancer and won and extraordinary seven sequent Tour DE France since 1999.


        "My angle was to grieve once I felt like bereaved, be afraid once I felt like being afraid, and be angry once I felt like being angry" says Sheryl Crow, Folk-Rock Singer. once the nine-time Grammy Award winner was told she had carcinoma at the peak of her singing career, she was desolated. it had been extremely personal blow, as a result of I used to be new out of a relationship so diagnosed with cancer. This nice friend told me one amongst the gateways to wakening is to permit yourself to expertise your emotions.

Wednesday 6 July 2022

Trekking Best Places in Himalayas


          The Tea House Trekkers are currently quick catching up in India. Its mapping the Annapurna Circuit in Kingdom of Nepal. It trails around Uttarkhand, Sikkim, Ladakh and Spiti are dotted with native dhabas and homestays hospitable worn-out trekkers with a heat meal, a clean lavatory and a cosy bed to snooze in. Tea house treks are logistically simple and do not need a lot of coming up with. However most of the treks are initial planned and make out higher. It touching the border between India and Kingdom of Nepal, this ancient route is dotted with vintage homes that provide a cosy keep. 

            There are different helpful journeys like Greek deity, Thukpa and Yak expedition are the opposite helpful journeys to relish.

To check get in Tea House Trek:

Lodge-To-Lodge Trudge, Har-Ki-Dun




Number of days


6-7 days.

Best time to visit


April to June and September to October.

Highland Homestays on The Fossil Trail, Spiti




Number of days


6 days.

Best time to visit


June to September.

Bird's Eye View of The Kangra Valley, Triun




Number of days


2 days.

Best time to visit


April to September.

Steal a Look at The Everest, Singalila National Park




Number of days


4 days.

Best time to visit


March to June and September to November.

Go Missing in The Mist, Coorg




Number of days


6 days.

Best time to visit


October to April.

"The Trek guide can tell you regarding the most effective homedays and tea homes within the trek route of your choice".

Earn Money in 5 Ways Without Working.

 1. Pay your credit balance fully in every month. Don't roll over your credit card balances. If you have a balance Rs 20000/- on credit card you will be charged 3% interest every month and you will have to pay Rs 600/-. You are saving Rs 600/- per month.

 2. Stop smoking and gradually reduce consuming liquor. It will gives huge amount for annual.

 3. Save energy by minimizing the usage of electricity. Put off the fan, light, etc. when not in use.

 4. It is better Buying goods whenever discount is provided by the traders.

 5. Don't buy things even-though getting in cheaper price when it is of not in use.

     If you follow this instructions you will be saved huge amount in yearly.

Home Remedy for Obesity



            Taking of honey is a superb home remedy for blubber. It mobilizes the additional deposited fat within the body and puts it into circulation, that is employed as energy for traditional functions. One ought to begin with tiny amount of regarding ten GMs, or a containerful to be loving quandary. It's smart to require it in early morning. A teaspoon of contemporary juice may additionally be adscititious.

Thursday 23 June 2022

Health Benefits of Eating Dates

        The health benefits of dates now there are a lot of misconceptions that arise when it comes to dates some people believe that it has a lot of sugar it's going to make them put on weight there's a whole category of diabetic people who think that dates are really bad for them because the moment you consumed them you cause a spike in the blood sugar levels but what's the truth when it comes to dates, because this is something this dry fruit has so much of nutrition in terms of vitamins trace minerals that basically does everything in the human body you see a human body's made up of trillions of cells and different organs all working together and the fuel is vitamins minerals for several functions that we have beyond our eyesight that our hair growth our skin whatever it is even metabolic activity there are people who work out eat well but they have such low metabolic rates that they still find it difficult to lose weight well when it comes to dates this is one of my favorite snacks or foods or whatever you may want to call it because it's packed with iron antioxidants and several vitamins. The beauty of dates is yes it is high-calorie but we need to change our mindset from high calorie is great for us to pre-workout so if you have one or two or three dates pre-workout it's going to give you so much of energy to get through your workout post-workout as well because post-workout our body wants to replenish glycogen and all of that stuff so having dates or fruit is fantastic for your body to replenish glycogen and within the next 10 to 15 minutes you can have your protein so using dates as a snack in between the day it's something that you can keep in your bags whenever you travel and you know if you're on the road and traffic all you need to do is take out a couple of dates two to three or four or whatever it is and eat them and it's going to give you sustained energy so that's why during the period of Ramadan it's always been practiced that dates are used to break your fast we all speak about Drive fasting and intermittent fasting the right way to break your fast would be fruits or would be dates because dates gives you so much of nutrition into that one little piece of food when your body is breaking a fast you have trillions of cells acting like a sponge screaming for nutrition waiting to absorb whatever it gets you put the wrong nutrition and it's going to absorb the wrong stuff but you put the right food in now when you break a fast you can't just go and eat a heavy meal because you're going to produce more asses have in digestion acidity and all of that stuff but something as small as one date which means you have two or three of them you're packing vitamins and minerals and energy right into those trillion cells in your human body which is why it's always used to break a phosphorous juice during the day as a great snacking option for people who have heart problems.

     Dates are absolutely fantastic because number one they're rich in potassium and rich in insoluble fiber this makes it a hot friendly food but now remember if you have a heart problem and you have high potassium levels then dates wouldn't be good for you because we need to understand even for diabetics yes diabetics can't have dates we're going to come to that but if you are a diabetic and you have a kidney problem then you got to make sure if you don't have dates because dates are rich in potassium and if you have a kidney problem and your potassium levels are already on the higher side it could cause a problem for you okay I'm a fan of dates when it comes to high blood pressure because again it's rich in potassium in soluble fiber making it a great food for reducing high blood pressure it is fantastic for reducing your high blood pressure now when it comes to diabetes of course diabetics can eat it I'm going to talk about type 2 with this type one you can make a decision only based on data when you see how frequently the sugar levels are fluctuating but when it comes to type 2 diabetes we need to understand that we've all been attached to glycemic index what is more important in the glycemic index is the glycemic load so for example yes a diabetic can have two slices of white bread and maybe it's not the right thing to do I'm giving you an example and maybe the glycemic load will still be fine but someone can have a whole bowl of fruits like a platter of fruits and the glycemic load could go higher than those two slices of bread so now which one is better which one is better the whole idea is to keep your glycemic load lower so yes a diabetic have one or two or three dates in a day spaced out coupled with almonds so that the fiber the protein and almonds and of course the insoluble in the fiber and dates will not allow the bloodshed sugar levels to spike up rapidly it's all about the combination of food now if you have two or three dates and yet you go out and have you have some junk food or processed food or something that I has sugar your glycemic load increases and then that doesn't make the date bad it makes your lifestyle bad so yes diabetics can have mangos they can have fruits when it's calculated the right way but you take it mindfully making sure that if there's a spike you balance it out by adding more fiber into your diet but a diabetic doesn't have to be deprived of mangoes and fruits and dates and all of these things that's not a solution that's the symptomatic approach for diabetes you got to look at the root cause which is mainly lifestyle changes so we don't make a food bad for diabetes the food isn't bad for diabetes if it's natural it becomes bad because the lifestyle of the patient isn't controlled now why I like dates in the diet of a diabetic isn't it because number one of the biggest issues that people with type 2 diabetes and type 1 diabetes have is nerve damage or diabetic neuropathy where you have these tingling sensations in your fingers and your palms under your feet and all of that stuff that's because the body and the body of the diabetic is deficient in vitamin D 1 which is called thiamine and dates are rich in thiamine which means dates will actually help you reduce distinguish sensations because it takes care of your neurological health your nerve damage it helps with the clotting of your blood it activates protein usage in the human body and yes it is great for your metabolism so that's why this gives you that energy it boosts your metabolism now of course you overdo it on dates and you have like a platter of fruits followed by dried fruit that's going to be too much of sugar hitting your body even if you don't have diabetes even if you're healthy so the idea is to eat everything in moderation and portion control do I have the perfect portion for all of you know your body will tell you what the perfect portion is for you when you start learning to eat mindfully so don't put too much of food and too much of fluid in your body at any given time you got to balance it out.

        Iron dates are rich in iron which is which makes it a great food for people who are anemic for women who are pregnant for people who are low on iron levels dates have the ability to boost the red blood cell production in your body which is important element for hemoglobin so it has everything to boost with your iron levels it's rich in potassium the B vitamins b1 b2 b6 b5 these are all fantastic environments for your whole neurological system and your metabolism and your hair and your skin vitamin A, vitamin K copper magnesium so many people are deficient in magnesium and magnesium controls almost 300 metabolic functions in the human body so sometimes by just upping your magnesium because you have a deficiency it takes care of everything and it's rich in manganese as well so you see this one little date will be packed with so much of nutrition which is why it is ideal to break a fast with a fruit or a date my choice would be a date because it's giving me so much more nutrition and instant energy instant energy than just approved but that's your choice and yes it's always a good idea especially if you have fluctuating sugar levels to mix a dry fruit like a date with a handful of nuts or three to four nuts to balance it out it's all about food synergy in the human body so don't be scared of dates I don't know a single person where dates made them fact what makes us fat and what makes us difficult what makes it difficult for us to lose weight is lifestyle not one food and less of course that's junk food it's processed food it's sugar and all of that stuff but there's no way that someone got fat because they ate dates that's our mindset we got to change it sometimes your body needs all these nutrients and small quantities to make sure we don't have a deficiency so it can take care of our metabolism the human body is designed to have the right metabolic rate so we don't have to depend just on exercise and high metabolic foods and stuff like that if it gets the right amount of vitamins and minerals it behaves the right way so enjoy your dates good quality dates of course you get a lot of dates which are also glazed with sugar to make it look wet and sticky and taste sweeter so you want to make sure that you get good quality dates and you enjoy them you can enjoy even as a nighttime snack instead of reaching out for junk you know it's great you have a sweet tooth try having a date it's going to most in most cases you won't feel like having a dessert after that and from dates they make date jaggery they make date sugar which is turning out to be great because it has a lower glycemic index than normal sugar and plus it has a great taste you wouldn't know the difference if you use date sugar in a coffee or tea from regular sugar so you want to try these things and make that lifestyle change have a great day everyone so eat smart move more sleep and breathe deep.

Tuesday 21 June 2022

Amazing Health Benefits of Tender Coconuts.

Tender coconut is rich in potassium and hence helps keep the kidneys healthy it acts as a diuretic to flush extra water out of the body and also prevents kidney stones summer is here and it feels like the thirst is never-ending we always reach out to cool drinks or cold water to cool down the notion that cold drinks will cool down our body makes us take the wrong decision so how can one stay rehydrated and energetic during long afternoon hours tender coconut nature's cool drink not only quenches the summer thirst but also come with great benefits for the body  it cools down your body from inside and reduces a lot of discomforts of a hot summer day gender coconut is a natural rehydrating drink that has no added chemicals or harmful ingredients it is the best drink to choose any day it is very effective in keeping you hydrated especially during summers the best way to give your upset stomach some time to recover is by replacing your meal with gender coconut whether it is due to an infection ulcer or indigestion gender coconut can nourish your body and allow your stomach and instant to recover tender coconut water is rich in vitamins minerals and electrolytes this helps the body to restore the essential electrolytes on a hot summer day electrolytes are lost due to sweating and this makes you feel all drained out tender coconut helps you replenish them and makes you feel more refreshed gender coconut water has the ability to improve our circulation it has arginine which helps in increasing the blood circulation to all the internal organs of the body tender coconut water has the ability to prevent kidney stones.

        Tender coconut is rich in potassium and hence help to keep the kidneys healthy it acts as a diuretic to flush extra water out of the body and also prevents kidney stones tender coconut water act like a tonic it has all the necessary nutrients to fulfill a person's daily need it is rich in vitamins and minerals it can even be used to feed infants and is a great source of nutrition gender coconut has no fat it is a very low calorie drink that can easily replace a meal it can also be consumed before a meal to reduce binge eating among weight watchers it also helps in losing weight by removing excess water weight stored due to heavy sodium consumption tender coconut water has properties that remove mineral toxins from the blood it also helps in eliminating toxins accumulated in the intestine due to poor digestion gender coconut water has great anti-inflammatory properties it can reduce inflammation internally when consumed it can also be externally applied on a summer boil or a rash to reduce inflammation this summer replace your cool drinks and other aerated beverages with tender coconut also drink natural ones instead of packaged options as they contain other chemicals to increase shelf life go natural and stay healthy.

Diet Sandesh


Saturday 11 June 2022

Health Benefits of Eating Chia Seeds


Have you heard of chia seeds, the healthiest and easiest ways to sneak more plant-based foods into your diet chia seeds provide an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids that can reduce inflammation prevent heart disease and diabetes and help with weight loss chia seeds those small in size contain an abundance of nutrients chia seeds are being a staple food in mesoamerican culture for many centuries they are a superfood as they contain omega-3 fatty acids as well as protein calcium iron and zinc the antioxidants minerals fiber and omega-3 fatty acids in chia seeds may promote heart health by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels they may also support strong bones by providing the necessary minerals to promote bone density additionally chia seeds can be beneficial to people with diabetes by helping with blood sugar management moreover chia seeds are versatile and can be used in many recipes these fantastic tiny seeds can be eaten dry or soaked in water for a gelatinous texture and nutrition packed breakfast snack or side dish.

Here are the health benefits of chia seeds:

Chia seeds are loaded with nutrients chia seeds are genuinely the underdog of the natural food world despite their tiny size these little seeds pack a powerful nutritional punch they're high in fiber protein and omega-3 fatty acids they're also full of micronutrients such as calcium iron phosphorus zinc and magnesium this makes them an excellent addition to any healthy diet chia seeds are rich in antioxidants chia seeds have found a wide range of antioxidants such as chlorogenic acid caffeic acid myra sedan porcelain and chem for these antioxidants are responsible for destroying free radicals and preventing cellular tissue damage moreover these promote a healthy heart by lowering blood pressure their anti-inflammatory effects help protect your liver from oxidative stress chia seeds may help in weight loss.

The chia seed is a nutrient dense food rich in protein and fiber both of which have been shown to aid weight loss most of the fiber in chia seeds is water soluble and forms a gel like substance after absorbing water this helps slow down digestion and make you feel fuller after a meal this can help you to maintain a healthy weight or lose weight more quickly furthermore the protein in chia seeds may also help reduce appetite and food intake including them in your diet can be a great way to ensure you're getting enough of the nutrients you need chia seeds may improve bone mineral density if you're looking for a supplement to improve your bone mineral density chia seeds may be the answer chia seeds are high in calcium magnesium phosphorus and alpha linolenic acid ala all of which have been linked to improved bone mineral density chia seeds may reduce blood sugar levels improvements in insulin sensitivity may be a potential benefit of eating chia seeds the consumption of chia seeds may help with blood sugar regulation due to their high fiber content so how does one eat chia seeds.

Chia seeds taste rather bland so you can add them to pretty much anything raw soaked in juice added to smoothies baked goods or sprinkled on top of cereals oatmeal vegetables or rice dishes chia seeds are great additions to make fritters and other dishes simply mix the seeds with water or your favorite juice for a chia seed pudding that will have you feeling full and satisfied after just one serving when soaked in water. The chia seeds increase in size which makes them a great alternative to eggs when baking they are also used to thicken sauces one of the most common questions about chia seeds is how much should I eat to reap the benefits most experts recommend eating 0.7 ounces 20 grams of chia seeds twice daily they suggest drinking plenty of water to avoid any digestive side effects to conclude chia seeds are rich in nutrients omega-3 fat antioxidants and fiber chia seeds are also straightforward to prepare chia seeds are a great addition to many dishes and can be incorporated into several different recipes that can be used to make fruit smoothies baked goods and more. Eating chia seeds may help reduce cholesterol levels regulate blood sugar levels and weight loss.